Being in the moment with yourself, just as you are can feel wonderful. It can also feel strange, and icky, itchy, uncomfortable, impossible ...
Really anything can happen while you are Being.
You may feel an urge to start doing.
Just notice that. Notice ANY urges you have. "Oh, I wanted to text my friend and ask her if she can send me a copy of that form I need to fill out for that thing ..."
Ah, notice that urge. Try not to Do anything about it. Just Be with the urge.
Be with the growl of your stomach. Or your chilly toes. Be with the need to Do something.
Know that Being is a tremendous act of love. Taking the time to turn your attention inward and Be, you are showing tremendous love for yourself. It's the ultimate form of self-care.
Anytime you allow yourself to Be, you are supported all around you by Love. Love around you, love above you, love below you, love within you. You are a BIG part of that love. Just Be with that.
Be with that love.
Any pressure or tension you encounter, you can answer that with love. Be in gratitude for every challenge or discovery that comes your way because it is an opportunity to grow and know yourself better.
You are worthy of love. You are worthy of Being. You belong here. We are all grateful you are here. Now Be with that in love and gratitude.
When something comes up - sadness, a memory, fear, excitement, panic - say to yourself, "I am being with all this in love and gratitude" or simply "Love and Gratitude." Let Love and gratitude be your mantra.
Be Loved.
Be Love.
© 2021 Be Sensational Books