While you areHave you ever felt full of anxiety? It's a strange feeling ... to me it feels like my body is full of static. I think that is because anxiety is a blanket emotion. It's complicated. Inside a cloud of anxiety there are often many many different emotions playing out. Shame can often fall under the blanket of "anxiety." So can worry or fear. Even being excited can sometimes be labeled as anxiety.
That's just the thing - these are all labels. Our bodies run on energy and energy is energy is energy. YOU can channel it. You can define it. Your energy can be whatever you want it to be.
The next time you are feeling anxious, or angry, or excited, or joyful, sit and FEEL what that energy feels like in your body. Where do you feel it? Does it feel stuck? Are you able to move it by thinking about it? Can you move the energy by actually moving your body or using your voice?
What if you labeled all the energy in your body CREATIVE energy? Any emotion, any physical sensation like hot or cold or itchy or uncomfortable, any hurt or heavy memory you are carrying around in your incredible body ... what if it were fuel?
Use it.
Channel it.
Transform it.
Just as a sculptor molds a lump of clay, you too can sculpt your energy into something wonderful to share with the world. Let it flow through you and give it shape. Maybe this is your body moving through space or your voice screaming out from a hilltop. Maybe it is paint splattered on a canvas or clay molded by throwing it again and against the ground.
Only you will know how to transform your energy and experiences into your one-of-a-kind creations.
Tear up the canvas with rage, but see how the light shines through those newly opened spaces.
Let the love and joy pour from your heart in a wake of beautiful colors behind you. Maybe it's a burst of glitter catching on the wind and then gone. Two seconds of a visible expression of joy is worth it. Oh my, how it is worth it.
Loneliness, isolation, desperation, peace, fear, love - these are all things every one of us feels, but to explain any feeling can be impossible. How does that feeling look? How does it move? What does it sound like? Give it a voice. Help each experience deliver the message it came to give you. This can all happen through art. Dance it, sing it, paint it, sculpt it - discover the message.
As you transform this energy, YOUR energy, through creative expression often you are able to separate the layers of feelings that once felt like a cloud of anxiety.
If you have a lot of anxiety, you have a lot of ENERGY! Channel it. Explore the layers.
When you start to do this, flow will return to your body and to your life and you will show others what incredible healing is possible.
© 2021 Be Sensational Books